Datum / čas
Date(s) - 22/11/2023
15:30 - 17:00



This event is held in English language.

Relax and study? They go together! Try a relaxation lesson on campus (registration here) and learn how to work effectively with stress.

Releasing accumulated tension and letting your brain and body relax on a regular basis is key to effective studying and integration of acquired knowledge. Relaxation is the ideal opportunity to refresh yourself for your next work.

To study effectively and integrate your knowledge, it is crucial to regularly release accumulated tension and let your brain and body relax. Relaxation is the ideal opportunity to refresh yourself for your next work.

How will it work?

In a small group, you will try out different types of relaxation, mindfulness or imagery. You will be sitting or lying on blankets, so comfortable clothes are recommended (not the best way to relax in tight jeans or a short skirt).

Come repeatedly!

Regular relaxation can help you with improving attention and reducing anxiety. The Tuesday appointment once every 14 days, always at 3pm, is particularly good for this. But of course you can choose any available dates that suit you.

  • Lecturer: Mgr. Alžběta Krejčová, psychologist at CCC UCT Prague
  • 22.11.2023 15:30
  • 4A (Campus Holešovice)

Organized by Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague.